I've been so happy with our floor bed, it's crazy. I really am amazed at how well it's been working. Update: yes, she has rolled off of it several times... about four to be exact. Floor bed enthusiasts will tell you "like a lizard sleeping on a leaf, your infant will become aware of her boundaries and subconsciously remain within the edges of her mattress"... hmmmm... not quite. She rolls right off and you can hear a little giggle, a little squirm, and around five minutes later some huffing and puffing in a sort of where-the-heck-are-you-mom kind of way. The benefit of selecting a thin foam mattress was that she wouldn't hurt herself if she rolled off, so, no worries.
Recently our midwife sent a newsletter out to all of her families with some great info from Elizabeth Pantley (author of The No-Cry Sleep Solution). I enjoyed the newsletter and thought I might like her books. I decided to check out her website and that's when I learned that if you mention her books or her website on your blog you could win the collection of her books (she has five or six No-Cry Solutions for all of your crying needs). So instantly, I thought hey I'm not a fan of crying, I'd like those books! So I looked over her website and I have to say... not a big fan. It feels like one big advertisement for her books. A sort of appetizer of information. There were a few things I liked:
The PDFs to download. Not really useful for everyday, but they seem like useful tools to help visual people think out their napping woes.
The Booklet. Free, bite-sized information all in one friendly little (16-page) booklet. I would have liked to have seen this when Neila was first born, although there is some good stuff on potty training (or potty learning as our Montessori friends may say) and behavior issues for toddlers. Also, as a classroom teacher, I LOVE the Quiet Bunny technique she mentions on page 12. I will definitely be teaching my students this one!
Overall, I don't think I'll be entering the contest as I'm not giving her site rave reviews. I did, however, discover the Quiet Bunny which is enough of a prize for me!
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